
Personalized Lifestyle & Career Transition Planning (1:1 Sessions)

I use a variety of tools inspired by the corporate world to help you plan and implement lifestyle and career transitions. We are going to treat your transition like a project!

At this moment in time, I am accepting new projects / clients at very affordable rates. To do the following work together, I am offering experimental “beta” pricing of $100 for the entire A -> Z planning process, which will likely take 4-5 hours per client and involve several video calls. I’m not sure how much longer I will be offering this price, so if you’re interested please get in touch ASAP.

Full Package

During our time together, we will co-create a document (approx. 5-10 pages depending on the nature of your desired transition) that helps you move from a fuzzy and vague sense of what you’d like to change, to a very clear roadmap. Prepare to do a lot of thinking and in-depth discussion, but this is NOT just talking! You get a highly tailored product at the end to reference and use.

Clarify Your Vision

Understand exactly what you want and what needs to change. I’ll ask targeted questions to define the problems in your current state, clarify goals, and determine the boundaries of the issue. We will gather requirements and Success Criteria for your new work or lifestyle. Tools used: Root-Cause Analysis, “5 Whys”, personal SWOT analysis, gap analysis, Reverse Brainstorming.

Determine Best Solution

Evaluate various strategies to determine the best fit for your specific needs. We’ll take into account factors such as practicality, potential impact, and alignment with your long-term goals. Tools utilized: Solution maps, weighted decision matrix, cost-benefit analysis.

Build a Realistic (and Exciting) Plan

Break down your transition into structured, achievable steps, and overcome financial and logistical barriers to make your transition smoother. We will use ideas from project and change management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your personal transition. Tools used: Gantt charts, project roadmaps, financial cash flow projections, risk matrix.

How I’m Different From A Career Counsellor

I’m not looking to knock career counsellors. I’ve used them in the past, and they can be good at what they do, of course. I’d just like to show you how I’m different and what you can expect from working with me.

AspectTypical Career CounselorWhat I Offer
FocusJob search, resumes, interview prep. Finding a job/career that fits into a neatly defined box or code.Holistic lifestyle and career transition planning. We are not simply assessing what job might fit you. We are going deeper and making a tangible plan.
ApproachTalking, using checklists, predetermined processes.Strategic planning for a comprehensive life shift
Tools UsedJob search resources, government databases, personality tests (DiSC, Myers-Briggs, Holland Codes)Business strategy tools like project planning, risk analysis, and solution mapping
ScopeFocused on finding or changing jobs. Limited to talking, resumes, personality reports, cover letters.Entire life design, including career, lifestyle, and finances. Customized, detailed plans and analysis, but also creative and open.
OutcomeSecuring a job in a new role, or receiving a list of top jobs for youA detailed life and/or career transition plan that aligns with your personal vision and unique circumstances